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Data aquisition and post-processing using a Promark 3 dGPS

Working with accurate GPS data

Acquiring data is a fundamental skill that many scientists need to have in their arsenal, whether marine, terrestrial or something else. Sub-skills include being able to assess accuracy, safely use expensive equipment and ensuring appropriate planning to acquire the data you need. In these fairly randomly structured sessions, I show you how to use various items of equipment, most which are used within my research group to achieve accurate results and take you through to some level of post-processing of your acquired data.

You require:

  • A computer with Microsoft Windows installed.
  • Preferably you are using the same equipment as I.

If there are any areas that you are stuck on, I suggest you try to figure it out yourself. This is the best learning tool possible. The last resort, should be contacting someone for help, here’s why and how I do it:

  1. Follow instructions first, and try to achieve the end product you want. If you can’t get something to work that way, try doing it in a different way. Randomly trying things using similar tools or approaches might yield your end product, but if it doesn’t…
  2. Search online using particular search terms around the area you want, this might yield some tips that you can follow to achieve your end product. Great tools to use are Google, stackoverflow and particular forums relating to the software or process you’re using. Still stuck?
  3. Go back to 2 and try again, but this time use different search terms, i.e. more specific or vague, but keep the software you’re using in the search to try to locate a solution. If that fails, then drop the software search term and try to find a workflow from a similar program.
  4. Final resort, throw your hands up and either write a forum post or contact an expert to help.

You might ask why I have written the above, well, it’s for several reasons but foremost is the value that you gain from finding your own answer is that over time you will be able to use very specific searches to find workflows or solutions that directly help you achieve your end product, and you will hardly ever require anyone else’s direct assistance. This speeds up your work, and increases your self reliance.

Data aquisition and post-processing using a Promark 3 dGPS – Session in the Surveys, UAV and GPS series

In this session, I take you through how to acquire data with the Promark 3 dGPS. Whilst this is a legacy system (the last update to the software was 2011), it still provides good quality spatial data. This is particularly true when you post-process raw data products using a remote base station. I’ve had accuracy estimations of < 10 cm on some surveys, more than useful for a vast variety of ecological questions.

To follow this session, ideally you are using a Promark 3, the same also holds true for a MobileMapper CX system with the Post-processing option enabled. You will need access to a Windows Machine, and you need to download the Mobile Mapper Office software from here.